Beweg-Gründe im Alter: Multivariate Analyse der Einflussfaktoren körperlicher Betätigung im Alter

Lukas Richter, Barbara Gösenbauer

Publikation: Beitrag in FachzeitschriftArtikelBegutachtung


Background: Physical activity is a key factor for maintaining health in old age. Due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, studies have shown that there has been a decrease in physical activity; thus, considerations are now needed on how to (re)activate older individuals. One approach is to ask which factors had a positive influence on physical activity before the pandemic and to address these through interventions. Objectives: The aim of the study is to identify important factors of physical activity in a multivariate analysis in order to show possibilities for (re)activation. Materials and methods: For this purpose, multiple logistic regression was conducted based on data from a standardized, representative telephone survey (n = 2042) of the 60-year-old and older individuals in the Austrian state of Lower Austria, collected in early summer 2019. Results: Positive health status and motivational factors increase the chance of physical activity. The social component and the perception of physical activity as good for one’s health also increases the likelihood of exercising. Sociodemographic factors, apart from income, could not be identified as significant predictors in the model. Conclusions: In order to increase the chances of (re-)activation, measures need to be taken that understand physical activity as a means to different ends for older people.

Titel in ÜbersetzungPhysical activity in older individuals: Multivariate analysis of determinants of physical activity in old age
Seiten (von - bis)391-396
FachzeitschriftPravention und Gesundheitsforderung
PublikationsstatusVeröffentlicht - 5 Juli 2022


  • Austria
  • Physical activity
  • Physical activity enhancement
  • Prevention
  • Social gerontology

IMC Forschungsschwerpunkte

  • Health management and policy


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