6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Stefanie Lentner with the persons below:
Evelyn Haberl
- Institute Therapeutic and Midwifery Sciences - Scientific Project Staff Institute Therapeutic and Midwifery Sciences
Person: Research Assistent
Larisa Baciu
- Institute Therapeutic and Midwifery Sciences - Associate Professor (FH) Institute Therapeutic and Midwifery Sciences
Person: Lecturer/Researcher
Hanna Köttl
- Institute Therapeutic and Midwifery Sciences - Programme Director Applied Health Sciences
Person: Programme Director
Jessica Janssen
- Institute Therapeutic and Midwifery Sciences - Professor (FH) Institute Therapeutic and Midwifery Sciences
- Research professorship Therapeutic Sciences
Person: Lecturer/Researcher
Iris Zoderer
- Institute Therapeutic and Midwifery Sciences - Professor (FH) Institute Therapeutic and Midwifery Sciences
Person: Lecturer/Researcher
Christian Keip
- Institute Therapeutic and Midwifery Sciences - Lecturer Institute Therapeutic and Midwifery Sciences
Person: Lecturer/Researcher