Digital Innovation Hub OST (DIHOST)

Project: Research

Project Details


The DIHOST project, funded by the FFG and the federal states of Lower Austria and Burgenland, has been offering a comprehensive service program for three years to increase the ability and speed of transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises in Eastern Austria towards digital innovations. DIHOST offers low-threshold access to expert knowledge, the possibility to test and implement (new) digital infrastructures & enables international connections to European networks. The main areas of responsibility can be divided into three pillars: 1) Information (awareness, maturity level, checks, advice, technology scouting, funding checks,) 2) Continuing education (offers for SMEs, in-house training, webinars, blendid learning, best practices, workshops) 3) Digital innovation (access to infrastructure, e.g. 3D printing, business model development, prototyping, OI) The DIHOST network includes the consortium partners ecoplus Niederösterreichs Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH, FH St.Pölten, Austrian Blockchain Center, FOTEC, Forschung Burgenland and IMC FH Krems. The WKO and the House of Digitization act as additional network partners. Project manager at the IMC FH Krems is Prof. (FH) Mag. Gerhard Kormann-Hainzl.
Short titleFFG Call NOe/HdD Digital Innovation Hubs
Effective start/end date27/08/19 → …

Collaborative partners


  • Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)

IMC Research Focuses

  • Digital transformation and organisational development


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