“GrünRaum”: Valorization of Green Spaces

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    This project examined the revitalisation of green spaces to exploit their tourism potential as well as ways to enhance the quality of the visitor experience with respect to natural and cultural heritage (both tangible and intangible) in gardens and parks in Lower Austria and Southern Moravia. Furthermore, profiles and requirements of the various garden visitor segments were analysed. Based on these findings, a manual with quality criteria for the use of the managers of these green spaces was developed. New joint, cross-boarder garden tourism propositions were developed and presented. The project was funded by the EU’s INTERREG V-A Austria- Czech Republic programme. Websites: http://diegaerten.eu/https://www.at-cz.eu/at/ibox/pa-2-umwelt-und-ressourcen/atcz71_grunraum
    Short titleGrünRaum
    Effective start/end date14/09/1621/11/22

    Collaborative partners

    • IMC Krems University of Applied Sciences
    • Vysocina Tourism (Project partner)
    • Die Gärten Niederösterreichs (Project partner)
    • Tourismuszentrale Südmähren Centrála cestovního ruchu Jizní Morava (Project partner) (lead)
    • Niederösterreich Werbung GmbH (Project partner)
    • Region Vysocina (Project partner)


    • Interreg Austria - Czech Republic

    UN Sustainable Development Goals

    In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This project contributes towards the following SDG(s):

    • SDG 15 - Life on Land

    ÖFOS 2012 - Austrian Fields of Study

    • 502040 Tourism research


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