Open Educational Resource (OER) - Codex

Project: Other

Project Details


OER-CODEX aims to increase the capacity and readiness of Higher Education (HE) institutions to manage an effective shift towards digital education. This project builds on connectivism as an appropriate learning method for the digital age that emphasizes social interaction as a key element of the learning process and output of the results. The primary goal of the project is to create Open Educational Resource (OER) course modules organized according to the DigCompEdu framework in order to give higher education educators the skills they need to participate in blended learning activities, encourage collaboration, and establish a self-sustaining OER pool for online collaborative learning and teaching. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission - Erasmus+ programme. Project website is available here:
Short titleOER-CODEX
Effective start/end date28/02/22 → …

Collaborative partners


  • Erasmus+ Programme

IMC Research Focuses

  • Sustainability management and circular economy


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